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To create and nurture opportunities that further economic development in support of Minority/Women Business enterprises in the City of Columbia and Mid-Missouri.


To boost social mobility, generational wealth, and large-scale economic growth of communities by
championing successful Minority/Women Business Enterprises that spearhead the economic
development of their communities and eliminate the race and gender wealth gaps that cause income
and wealth inequality.


To provide Minority/Women Business Enterprises with SEED Grant opportunities, business training workshops, coaching and mentoring services to increase their competitiveness and success in the marketplace.

Meet Our Board Members

Advisory Board

Holly Burton-Aro
Dr. Gregory Croll
Carin Croll
Teo Cooper
Molly Delgado
Fontella Ford-Henry
Lynne Glindemann
Doris Goodlow
Alejandra Gudińo
Susan Hart
Barbra Horrell
Carla London
Heather McArthur
Michael Middleton, Esq
Sarah Moreau
Dennis Smith
Daryl Smith
Stacye Smith
Cherrie Whitt
Dr. Lester Woods
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